Friday, October 17, 2008

In reply to Alia

My dear friend, tagged me in a survey about weddings. She of course knows that I am a dreamy romantic whose ideal past time is to set up her friends.

The thing is, I don't believe in marriage.

Coming from an Asian background,a marriage appears to be a licence to have sexual intercourse. You see,people in my country can be trialled under the syariah courts for having premarital sex. Telling your parents you are sexually active is still taboo in most homes. Sex is evil. Period.

From an Indian perspective, it seems like girls are treated like fruits, needed to be sold before they rot and stink. Marry them off before,god forbid they are old maids whose biological clocks has chimed!

I have seen many powerful man in my life, and their trophy wives. Many men who love their wives, and also several others. How many business meetings consist of going with the flow ,of drinks and women? Do brothels survive on the hormones of 18 year-old boys with no money?

And women, the so-called fairer sex.The marrying for money, status and security.

I don't want a marriage, it is scary.

I want a friend.A friends who is as crazy as I am. A friend whom I can make silly nerdy jokes with and fight with everyday; from politics to the Doppler effect. A friend whom I trust with my life. A friend whose company is home and shoulders are heaven. A friend who doesn't comply with convention and would rally against the world with me. A friend with abundant optimism; we are going to change the world you see. A friend whom appreciates the beauty in little things, in us.

Needless to say, I know fairy tales are not true. But,just in case I get lucky, eloping would just be fine by me, dear sir.

p/s: need to make parents happy, hence the need for eloping. Just finished an exam, pardon the grammatical errors...ok, must go noe...sleep becons